Why Do Businesses Need to Optimize Content for Voice Search Optimization?

Updated on 30 June 2020 7 min Read

The digital world is subject to constant change. Given the significance of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and the benefits of attracting eyeballs to your content, companies are looking for unique ways to gain a competitive edge in the market. One of these ways is keeping up with search engine algorithm updates and making sure you are keeping them in mind when crafting your content.

The success of your marketing strategy depends on how well you research and adapt to the trends. This allows you to adjust the SEO strategy according to not only present trends, but those yet to come. Effective research will enable you to get behind the demands of the audience while adapting to the latest guidelines in the marketing world. As a business, you must always ensure that your methods are not outdated.

Changes in the algorithms that Google employs are bound to make specific strategies outdated. Therefore, it is imperative to ensure that your marketing strategy is at the top of its game. One change that many digital businesses are overlooking is Voice Search Optimization. You better believe it, the technology is bringing about a vast change in consumer behavior. Consumers no longer want to face the inconvenience of typing in a query. People prefer a much more interactive experience where they can find an answer to all their queries by speaking aloud.

The statistics suggest that an astounding 71% of smart technology users prefer using a voice research assistant. It is fascinating to imagine how a technology that was in its infancy five years ago has now become a regular feature. Given the surge in popularity of the technology, it only makes sense for businesses to make changes in their strategy accordingly.

The Use of Voice Recognition Technology

Since its launch, Amazon has successfully sold over a million of its Amazon Echo devices. The quality of the product matches the sales as app developers have introduced over 70,000 skills for Alexa. The product has now become a norm as many homes around the world use it as a personal assistant meant to help us in our everyday tasks.

A consumer’s curiosity plays its part in the rising sales numbers, while it has led to changes in how we live our life. The curiosity and intrigue surrounding a product have attracted people towards voice recognition technology.

Unfortunately, businesses have not been successful in adapting to the demands of the consumer. Most businesses have taken the technology for granted; undermining the effect it can have on the digital outlook of a company.

As a business owner, you don’t want to be in a position where you need to catch up with modern trends. Not adapting to modern technology today throws a business in a quagmire where catching up can be challenging.

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Content for Voice Search

Currently, most of the content available on the internet is keyword generated, which means that the content targets the market that it is looking for using the keywords. However, things will change with voice recognition as voiced phrases are different to written queries. This means that the traditional keyword might not be as attractive in getting user traction.

Businesses can tailor the content towards voice search by having content that is clear and concise. This will serve as a rich snippet for users as they ask questions. The content will serve as a short and precise reply to all queries.

Secondly, the next thing that you need to work on is page speed optimization. Considering, the consumer will be in a hurry when voicing a query, the page speed must be prioritized.

The inability of your page to load quickly can result in you losing a potential customer. The consumer can leave your page and move to competitors, rubbing salt in the wound.

Companies must stay ahead of the game, if they want to remain relevant in the digital world. You will end up losing potential customers, if you are not quick in rolling out changes in the way you churn out content.

Here are some steps that you can follow to ensure that the content matches the demands of a consumer using voice search.

  • Use of Longtail Keywords

One shift that has come with the change in technology is that content creators are now using entire sentences rather than using terse awkward sentences. The difference is there because voice searches are designed to monitor natural language as the talking style generally differs from the writing style.

For example, when searching for the weather, we will use the conversational tone “what is the weather like in Manchester today?” This is different from the query we will use when typing into the search bar. By focusing on the nature of the voice search, you can optimize the content for voice SEO.

  • Website Optimization for Local SEO

A recent report on internet trends discovered that voice search is 3 times more likely to be local in nature. Keeping this information in mind, businesses should ensure that the profiles and the contact information are frequently updated. Let’s take the example of a search query such as “Where can I get the best pizza in London?” In addition to using keywords such as the best pizza, the owner of a pizza shop should mention the opening hours and the exact location on the website.

It is essential to understand the kind of questions the target audience will pose with the help of a voice assistant. This will help you in creating content which is designed specifically to answer these queries.

  • Ensure Your Website is Ready for Voice Search

To manage keywords according to voice recognition, business owners must try and stay two steps ahead of the game. You need to anticipate the times during a day a person is likely to use voice recognition. You also need to ensure that you provide the users with relevant information to help them make a decision.

As an owner of a business, you need to optimize the website for mobile, local SEO and voice search. When combined together, these factors play a crucial role in maximizing the likelihood of a consumer choosing your service over others.

Related: Optimize Your Website to Avoid SEO Issues

Voice Search Optimization

We have explained the subtle difference between optimizing the SEO through voice search and typed search.

One good way of understanding the difference between voice and typed search is by going through the last few searches you have made. Read through all the searches and imagine how you will speak those sentences when conversing with a person.

There are significant changes in not only the abbreviations and the emojis but also how you form the sentence. You need to account for those changes in SEO.

Going through the trend for voice search, it is easy to understand why experts believe it to be the main form of digital communication by the year 2020. According to experts, 50 percent of searches will be voice searches by the year 2020.

This is a wakeup call for SEO professionals and businesses that rely on effective implementation of SEO strategies for success. It is a call for adaptation and a call that you should not ignore.

IoT (Internet of Things)

Voice search queries have stamped their superiority over the traditional search methods. This is simply because the method features an element called the Internet of Things (IoT).

The IoT refers to appliances that are smart and are geared to work alongside all voice recognition devices. The smart devices are designed to help people with tasks all around the home; these tasks include temperature control and switching the lights on or off. This means that all tedious errands of your house or your life are in the control of a voice recognition technology that works in perfect harmony with the smart appliances.

The smart appliances have smart sensors aimed to gather information from the user before they process it into a task. When it comes to voice recognition, all the commands can be carried out with the help of a voice. The use of the application is not limited to home appliances only as it can be used in different industries too. Governments across the world are implementing the technology in healthcare, agriculture, and retail.

Related: What Is The Internet Of Things And How Does It Impact Your Life?


Voice recognition search is not a thing of the future, but it is a key feature of the consumer-driven transformation that all businesses must adapt to. By 2020, a further decline is expected in the overall web browsing sessions. The rate at which voice recognition devices are vanishing off the shelves it is difficult to argue against the findings.

It is likely that the research will become even more seamlessly integrated into the IoT, making it an exciting time for both developers and consumers alike. Businesses can cash in on this excitement by optimizing the SEO according to the trends and expectations.

The Author

Richard Kearsey is a digital designer at Emerald Colour – an experienced creative branding agency in London that offers various services, like website design, animation, bespoke exhibition stand design, etc. He loves creativity and enjoys experimenting with various design techniques for both web and print. He also enjoys sharing his thought on latest design trends and upcoming marketing ideas.