How to Write an About Me Page to Help Grow Your Audience?

Updated on 24 July 2021 6 min Read

Sometimes writing a strong “About Me” page might get trickier than writing the wedding vows.

If you are one of these people, then you are just twisting the easy things for yourself. About me pages can be easy to understand and straightforward and still convey the same meaning.

It does not have to be overcomplicated to read and write.

What Does a Good About Me Page Mean?

The fuss around an About Me page is so much because it is the most visited page on your website. It is the way to tell and convince people about how and what you do.

The best About Me page is the one that has a good impression on both the readers and your business.

The About Me page builds the trust of your customer. The genuineness of it decides to promote your relationship with the reader.

Content for About Me Page

An appealing About Me template is identical to a strong copywriting offer. All you have to do is-

  • Display what you have.
  • Explain what the displayed content will do for your visitors.
  • What should they do to get more out of your website?

When a visitor comes to your site and goes to the About Me page, there is one thing you can be clear of the person is that the person is interested in knowing about you.

Give the readers a reason good enough to show why you’re better than any other competitor of yours.

Your text should be just as unique as the product and the services you offer.

Some Common About Me Page Mistakes

With the help of your About Me page, your main aim should be to attract your readers and make them want to know more about your business.

Here are some dos and don’ts for you in order to engage your audience.

#1. Do Have an About Me Page!

Your readers want to know more about you! Without knowing about a website or a business, no one feels like dealing with them.

If you think having an About page is too stale and old-fashioned then to burst your bubble, I’ll say NO. No, it is not at all cliché to have an About page.

Yes, it might be boring to call it “About” or “About Us”, but you can use your creative side and name it “Experience” or “Wait, There is More!” and so on.

When it comes to your website, don’t let people assume anything about you. Give them facts, tell them about who you are and what you do.

It is a big turn-off as a customer when you have to assume what a website is about.

#2. Do Have Your Name and Credentials

Let’s assume for a minute that a visitor of your page loves it and wants to promote your website everywhere, write really cool blogs about you, and mention you in their story.

How exactly is your audience supposed to know who you are? Until you mention it in your “About” section (or any fancy name you have chosen for it), they would have no clue about who you are.

Do not just mention your first name. It should be your first and last name. If you want, you can add your middle name too. Just writing the first name does not leave a good impression.

If privacy is your first concern, and hence, you might not want to reveal your real name, that is fine. You can use a professional pseudonym.

Make sure you use your credentials too. Small things like credentials, awards, certifications, or any other credibility boosters make your readers believe in you. It makes them trust you a little more.

#3. Do Have a Picture

For most of you, it might be a step too far. You are not to be blamed for it, and hence this is optional. If you do not feel safe sharing a picture of yours, it is understandable.

While sharing your content or hiring or recommending you, it might be easy for the readers to know who you are and how you look. Also, it will help in getting your writing voice.

Well-written content with a face and your name does make a good match and helps in audience engagement.

#4. Make Your About Me Page Appealing

Even if you are a great writer, most people get stuck when it comes to saying who they are. It is a really common thing to happen.

It is not just your picture but even your writing skills that make the audience know who you are and if they like you.

Here are some tips to remember when you are writing about yourself:

  • Use your own writing voice.
  • Speak about your achievements.
  • You can use humor. It helps in attracting the reader.

If you do not want to share your photo, this is all you got to grab the attention of your audience.

Read: Factors that Contribute to Good Web Design

#5. Do Not Use Only Videos

Yes, using a video is a great way to interest your audience, but nobody will like to watch a seven-minute video just to figure out who you are.

If you want to add a video, let it be a small video with just enough information. Do not forget to add text with your video for your audience to read.

Adding a short video with the text is a great way to interact with your audience so go for it.

#6. Do Not Make it Too Lengthy

Long stories about a person boasting about themself can get boring. As the writer, you need to prioritize what your audience might and might not want to read about.

If the text gets too long and you keep bragging about yourself all the time, your readers will lose interest.

The “About Me” page is not just about you. It is about the reader too! And you know what will interest them? Their benefits.

Talk to them by keeping in mind that they are going to benefit from all this. Tell your readers about how your site gives them a better experience. Tell them about what problems they can face and how you got solutions for them all.


It might be tough to write an About Me Page, but it is necessary to have one.

The About Me page on your website makes your audience connect with you on a deeper level. The better your About Me page is, the better will your audience respond to your website.

You need to understand that you need to deliver enough knowledge about yourself without making the whole page about you. Even if the page is called “About Me”, your main target is to attract the reader.

I hope this article helps you write your “About Me” page and make it effective.

The Author

With pursuing a BBA degree in marketing from NMIMS Mumbai, her passion for writing and interest in social media marketing made her explore the content writing field. In addition to her primary job functions, she is recognized for her commitment to work and punctuality.