7 Secrets SEO Hacks No One Talks About

9 March 2022 10 min Read
secret seo hacks

Anyone with a blog, no digital marketing expertise, or knowledge in secret SEO hacks usually does three things. Firstly, this newbie blogger will attempt to figure out search engine optimization alone with the help of articles and guides available on the internet. This is mainly an experimental stage with people depending on results obtained from trying various approaches.

The second thing anyone would do is approach some mediocre consultancy or freelancer and trust them with utmost blindness. Most of these agencies and independent agents hardly provide quality service and mostly make false promises. For instance, most promises like 100% result in 30 days fail and waste vast amounts of money during this process.

Lastly, you might just meet a website design and development agency with enough experience and expertise in the field. Thus, the first method is time-consuming, the second is a waste of money, and at the same time, you can’t expect everyone to be smart enough to understand and implement the third option. So, what does it tell us about SEO? Keep reading to find out!

About SEO:

Before learning about secret SEO hacks, ask yourself whether you know anything vital about using search engine optimization. Simply put, SEO deals with practices for boosting your website’s visibility when people search for anything on the web that is related to your business. Subsequently, when you improve website visibility, you also increase website traffic in the process.

This might sound like paid advertising, but they are not the same. The primary difference is that SEO deals with an organic ranking, which means you are not paying for your space on search engines. Simply put, using SEO means optimizing a content piece so that search engines display the piece on top.

For instance, when someone searches for a ‘chicken steak recipe’ online, they are most likely looking for the ingredients and a step-by-step guide on how to make the disk. If you have written something similar, you want people to find your article. It’s not easy, but that is where SEO comes in.

7 Secrets SEO Hacks No One Talks About:

top seo hacks

So, do all of the above situations indicate that SEO is a treasure deposit box that can only be opened with money, time, and expertise? Absolutely not! So many blogs online were started from scratch and built up. Now, these blogs have built an authority, and search engines love them.

The common thing about these blogs? The people behind them had figured out a few SEO hacks that changed their blogging career forever! Out of the many such hacks, we have shortlisted the top seven for helping you craft a killer SEO Strategy. So, scroll down and learn the seven top SEO hacks in 2022!

1. Your Title Tag Must Contain Viral Words or Phrases

When people visit your website, the title tag gets the opportunity to make the very first impression on the visitors. As a result, it is crucial to include viral words and phrases in your title tag to attract potential customers. Some certain words and phrases attract many people to your website and improve its rank on search engines compared to other words.

This is something even you can observe on Google – just take a bunch of words and look for them on any search engine. Immediately it will come to your notice that all the results on the first page include some common words like ‘best,’ ‘guide,’ ‘review,’ ‘news,’ and ‘top.’ When you use these in titles and meta descriptions on the site, it will improve your rank on search engine result pages.

Related: Why Quality Web Hosting is Important For SEO?

2. Use Unconventional Sources to Look for Long-Tail Keywords

If you thought the only method of looking for long-tail keywords is via some keyword research tool or keyword generator, then you thought wrong. Because there are several other ways of finding such keywords, and no, we are not talking about Google Keyword Planner. Here’s one of the SEO hacks that is always helpful!

Firstly, you can simply search for your main words or phrases and note down the search predictions that would inevitably appear. If you have not understood, these predictions are organic search phrases or keywords that you can use in your content – drive some traffic to your site with this smart move!

You can use another hack to find relevant keywords through the ‘Related Searches’ option available below the search engine result pages. These pages also display what people are looking for related to the topics you are interested in!

3. Create Content That’s In-Depth and Evergreen

In a world where nobody has enough time, people will not waste one minute of their precious time on content that’s backdated, standard, and does not go beyond the topic’s surface. Your target audience wants to visit the site, read up, and be done – they don’t want to see five different sites for one topic.

One of the most popular SEO hacks you can depend on is creating relatable, unique, and evergreen content. This practically means your content must do in-depth coverage of the topic you are writing about, especially when it comes to current changes.

Thus, to create evergreen content, you must follow the trends, stay updated with the latest changes and modify your content accordingly to improve user experience.

4. Use Multimedia

Industry experts and our optimized research tell us that multimedia has an overwhelming impact on improving your website traffic. Now Multimedia refers to various formats like images, videos, infographics, audio, charts, and other interactive elements.

There are three reasons behind using multimedia for increasing website traffic, making this one of the simplest SEO hacks to follow. Firstly, it is proven that people are always more attentive to visual and audio content compared to reading-only content. No wonder visual education is so popular currently.

Secondly, multimedia can display a vast quantity of data and information within a concise space. This is a very useful method of showcasing information. Lastly, Google has multimedia sections, and getting featured in those sections can also increase website traffic.

5. Optimize Your Page for Smartphones

It’s 2022, and people are no longer searching for everything on their desktops. Instead, smartphones have become the order of the day, and it’s no surprise that users are spending more time on their smartphones than their computers.

However, search engines will never run on a smartphone as it runs on a desktop. Moreover, smartphones have a smaller screen and hardware that’s less powerful than a desktop. So naturally, this means you have to optimize your sites for smartphones – one of the SEO hacks that will boost your website performance.

Some so many people build different versions of their websites to suit the requirements of a smartphone and a desktop. This naturally improves site performance. In fact, accelerated mobile pages (AMPs) are often recommended by experts and have a high rank in smartphones.

6. Build Backlinks Through Link Roundups and Resource Pages

Search engines like Google take the help of several elements to figure out how reliable and authoritative your website or even a single page on your website is. Thus, it is common knowledge that your site’s performance will improve when you increase the number of backlinks in your content.

However, getting backlinks from other blogs can be pretty challenging, especially if you just started out in this industry. Thus, you will require external links. You can do that through both link roundups as well as resource pages.

Resource pages display the best content in different categories, like a book of records. Try to connect with the people running top-performing pages and convince them to include your site in their article. Additionally, link roundups offer users links to pages dealing with different topics, often updated.

7. Add Questions to Your Content

One of our favorite organic SEO hacks is adding questions to your content. Did you know that searching for questions has become quite popular in the past decade, contrary to all the industry expert predictions? Most of the questions on the search are characterized as local and voice searches.

Currently, question searches are so popular that SERPs have an entire ‘People also ask’ section dealing specifically with answers to the most searched questions on search engines. Not just this, questions are also asked on platforms like Quora and Reddit – these are considered valid by search engines.

All this indicates just one thing – how important can adding questions be to your content? Adding questions to your content will only help your article rank higher on search engines when people do a question search. Questions are highly crucial when it comes to people looking for solutions on the web!

Benefits of Using a Killer SEO Strategy

 If you hope to improve brand awareness, increase your target audience and make more money, then having a killer search engine optimization strategy is essential. Scroll down to find out the significant benefits of using a killer SEO strategy for your business.

It Boosts Your Credibility:

Any website with a high rank on search engines indicates the site’s credibility. As a result, spending time on your business website for improving site speed, add keywords, and the like is an essential step for enhancing the credibility of your website and, in turn, your business. But, of course, you can always depend on SEO hacks for help.

It Supports Content Marketing:

SEO and original content work together, and one cannot work without the other. When you create helpful content for website visitors using multimedia, your site automatically ranks better on search engines. SEO can also support your content marketing strategy greatly – all you need to do is create premium quality content and optimize it with keywords. 

It Maximizes PPC Campaigns:

Did you know that organic SEO and paid campaigns as PPC works in a fantastic combination? While PPC (pay-per-click) helps websites be on top of paid search results, SEO will do the same task for you in an organic way. When you appear on top for both results, it boosts your brand credibility.

It Can Help You Reach More People:

Most digital campaigns like social media marketing or PPC focus on the target audiences and work primarily with demographics. But not search engine optimization strategies. While using SEO, you are targeting keywords that can attract any consumer online with the buying intent – you can lure more consumers with keywords instead of demographics.

It Improves User Engagement Rates:

When you start relying on SEO hacks and strategies, you will find out how it can also improve user engagement rates. For improving your user engagement rate, take the help of any online tool for auditing your website and subsequently optimizing your titles, meta tags, and the like. Additionally, make sure your site is secure and mobile-friendly.

It Gives You a Competitive Advantage:

Since your competing sites have probably already invested time and money behind a killer SEO strategy, you must do so too! In addition, businesses that heavily rely on their SEO strategies usually outrank all competing sites on search engine result pages, gaining market share in the process. Thus, invest in a killer SEO strategy and outrank your competition on search results.

Final Words:

Search engine optimization is anything but a one-day affair, and learning SEO hacks might take your years. This happens because human beings and their behavior online are constantly evolving, just like the internet. Therefore, when you plan on nailing your SEO strategy, you must be ahead of any transition and keep your content updated.

Like your competition, following standard SEO practices will always prove beneficial. However, the hacks mentioned above have been obtained after much research and can change your life if used accurately. These hacks will help you create premium quality content and boost how your website is performing, more so in the case of one-person teams.

Additionally, always remember the SEO plan that will never fail you – creating premium quality content that’s evergreen. After all, Google believes that ‘content is king.’ So as long as you don’t produce good content, your site will not perform well even if you manage to get your SEO strategy right!

The Author

Olivia Smith is a passionate blogger. She loves to share her thoughts, ideas, and experiences with the world through blogging. Olivia Smith is associated with TheParentsmagazine, ThePetsMagazine, Gossipment & TheSportsMag