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IP Change, Datacenter Change or Web hosting change affects SEO ?

 2 min

This is a very common question amongst webmaster, Will changing my web host, IP or Datacenter affect my rankings in Google? The answer is yes but in some cases only. There wont be any change in Google ranking as long as geographical location of your datacenter remains the same. If you are changing datacenter for ex.. you are migrating from Indian Datacenter to US datacenter, definitely there will be some fluctuations in your google rankings.

As long as your website URL stays the same, your site’s listing in Google shouldn’t be affected if you switch hosting companies or change your IP address. We recommend migrating a site to a new IP address with the following steps:

  • Bring a copy of your site up at the new IP address.
  • Update your nameserver to point to the new IP address.
  • Once you see search engine spiders fetch pages from the new IP address (typically within 24-48 hours), it’s safe to take down the copy of your site at the old IP address.

Most Important, tell Google when your site moves:

  • On the Webmaster Tools Home page, click the site you want.
  • Under Site configuration, click Change of address.
  • In Step 4, in the Select a verified site list, select the new site.
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