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How to Install CyberPanel? Know the Steps Here!

 7 min

In this article, lets know the steps to install CyberPanel. CyberPanel is one of the popular web hosting control panels powered by OpenLiteSpeed.

Before moving towards the steps of CyberPanel installation, let us first know the requirements.

The basic requirements to install the CyberPanel:

  • Server with a newly installed Centos 7.x, Centos 8.x, Ubuntu 18.04, AlmaLinux 8, Ubuntu 20.04
  • Python 3.x
  • 1024MB RAM, or above
  • 10GB Storage Disk Space

The Difference Between CyberPanel and CyberPanel Ent

CyberPanel is the exactly identical in both the versions. The main difference between them is, which server is running in the back-end.


CyberPanel basically comes with OpenLiteSpeed. OpenLiteSpeed is one of the light-weight and open-source HTTP server that makes your website run faster. Even for the unlimited number of domains and worker processes, CyberPanel is free.

CyberPanel Ent 

The CyberPanel Ent comes with LiteSpeed Web Server Enterprise, and there you get 1 free domain. But, if you require more than 1 domain, you can connect with our team at, or reach out on live chat. Our team will help you with it.

Steps For Installing CyberPanel

Check out the steps for installing CyberPanel.

Step 1: Firstly, you need to connect your web server via SSH.

Installing CyberPanel is very easy. You just need to login to your server via SSH as the root user.

Note: (If you are trying to log in using sudo, it will not work). You can get the server login details from your web hosting provider.

Step 2: Updating the Packages

Here, you need to update the packages:

For Ubuntu: 

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y

For CentOS/Alma/Rocky:

sudo yum check-update
sudo yum update

Step 3: Run the script for installation of CyberPanel

Run the command given below. It will begin the automated installation script, that will guide you towards taking a few decisions related to which LiteSpeed versions and add-ons you want to install.

Here is the command:

sh <(curl || wget -O -

Step 4: Choose the LiteSpeed version that you want to use

Now, select the LiteSpeed version you want to install. If you go with LiteSpeed Enterprise, make sure you have the license key with yourself. It’s basically free for 1 domain, but if still require the key. Go to our plans section to choose the plan according to your requirements.

Enter the commands given below:

CyberPanel Installer v2.1.2

RAM check : 184/981MB (18.76%)

Disk check : 7/30GB (27%) (Minimal 10GB free space)

1. Install CyberPanel with OpenLiteSpeed.

2. Install Cyberpanel with LiteSpeed Enterprise.

3. Exit.

Please enter the number[1-3]:

If you choose LiteSpeed Enterprise, you will get the following prompt. Then enter your serial number:

If you do not have any license, you can also use trial license (if server has not used trial license before), type TRIAL

Please insert your serial number for LiteSpeed WebServer Enterprise:

Step 5: Choose the options and add-ons

You will get to see the series of prompts for several options and add-ons which are available.

Full Service (By default Y):

  • Power DNS: It is an open-source DNS server.
  • Postfix: It is basically an open-source mail transfer agent.
  • Pure-FTPd: It is an open-source FTP server.

Remote MySQL (Default N):

Let your database to be installed on a remote server.

CyberPanel Version (It’s by default the Latest Version)

You can select the previous version of CyberPanel, or can press “Enter” to install the latest version.

Password (By default it’s 123456)”

It’s always recommended that you make use of “s” to set a strong password.

Memcached 17 (Default Y):

Memcached is the distributed memory object caching system.

Redis 5 (Default Y):

In-memory data store, which is basically used as a database, message broke and cache.

Watchdog 12 (Default Yes):

Kernel watch lets you monitor if the system is running or not. It is expected to automatically reboot all the systems that are hanged due to irrecoverable software errors.

Step 6: The Installation Process

The process of installation will be proceeded automatically. It will generally take 5 to 10 minutes, depending on the speed of your server.

Step 7: Confirm the Installation Process

After you complete the installation process, you will get the following screen which has the information about all your configurations. Just select and copy it at some location so that you can take its reference in the future.

Your provider seems blocked port 25, E-mail sending might not work properly.

CyberPanel Successfully Installed

                Current Disk usage : 7/30GB (26%)

                Current RAM  usage : 313/981MB (31.91%)

                Installation time  : 0 hrs 11 min 0 sec

                Visit: https://<your server's IP address>:8090
                Panel username: admin
                Panel password: <the password you set during installation>
                Visit: <your server's IP address>:7080
                WebAdmin console username: admin
                WebAdmin console password: TSXMwny4zVeDg37K

                Visit: https://<your server's IP address>:8090/rainloop/?admin
                Rainloop Admin username: admin
                Rainloop Admin password: gQKFWm9O3nr7Xn

             Run cyberpanel help to get FAQ info
             Run cyberpanel upgrade to upgrade it to latest version.
             Run cyberpanel utility to access some handy tools .

              Website :
              Forums  :

              Docs    :

            Enjoy your accelerated Internet by
                CyberPanel & OpenLiteSpeed
If your provider has a network-level firewall
Please make sure you have opened following port for both in/out:
TCP: 8090 for CyberPanel
TCP: 80, TCP: 443 and UDP: 443 for webserver
TCP: 21 and TCP: 40110-40210 for FTP
TCP: 25, TCP: 587, TCP: 465, TCP: 110, TCP: 143 and TCP: 993 for mail service
TCP: 53 and UDP: 53 for DNS service
Your provider seems blocked port 25 , E-mail sending may not work properly.

Docs    :

Enjoy your accelerated Internet by

CyberPanel & OpenLiteSpeed

If your service provider has a network-level firewall
Ensure you have opened following port for both in/out:
TCP: 8090 for CyberPanel
TCP: 80, TCP: 443 and UDP: 443 for webserver
TCP: 21 and TCP: 40110-40210 for FTP
TCP: 25, TCP: 587, TCP: 465, TCP: 110, TCP: 143 and TCP: 993 for mail service
TCP: 53 and UDP: 53 for DNS service
Your provider seems blocked port 25 , E-mail sending may not work properly.

Step 8: To Restart the Server

It will ask you a question:

Would you like to restart your server now? [y/N]:

You should enter “Y” if you want to restart, Or you can enter “reboot” after you have performed the required operations.

Step 9: Access CyberPanel

After the successful installation, you can access CyberPanel using the details below (make sure to change):

URL: https//<Your Server’s IP Address>:8090

Username: admin

Password: <enter the password which you had set during the installation process>

Troubleshooting The Error

If you get a 503 error after installing CyberPanel, you can perform the following steps.

1. Check LSCPD Status

systemctl status lscpd

2. Manually set up virtualevn

The next is, manually set up virtualevn with the below commands:

source /usr/local/CyberCP/bin/activate
pip install --ignore-installed -r /usr/local/CyberCP/requirments.txt
virtualenv --system-site-packages /usr/local/CyberCP
systemctl restart lscpd

3. Install Logs

After performing all the above steps, you can also try to find out the errors which are found at:


And this is how you can troubleshoot the 503 error, if incase you get it while installing the CyberPanel.

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