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How to Create MySQL® Profiles via WHM?

 2 min

MySQL profiles determine all the information for the connection between the local or remote MySQL server. With WHM, root users can create and manage new MySQL® profiles.

To Create MySQL® Profiles

1. Log in to your WHM root account.

2. Select the SQL Services option from the navigation menu.

3. Click on Manage MySQL® Profiles.

The list of existing MySQL® profiles will appear.

4. Click on the +Add Profile button.

A form will appear with these fields:

  • Profile Name: Name for the MySQL profile
  • Configuration Method: Choose if you want to automatically or manually create a MySQL superuser
  • Host: Enter the IP address or hostname of the MySQL server
  • SSH Port: SSH server port
  • Username: Login user
  • Authentication Method: Choose to login by Password/SSH Key
  • Password: Password for profile(If selected Authentication Method is Password
  • Escalation Method: Enhance privileges for non-root users to access MySQL superuser account

5. Enter the appropriate details in the fields and click on Save.

The system will save the details and add the new profile to the list.

You can use this method and create new MySQL® profiles with WHM.

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